Advisory Curriculum

Advisories for middle and high school is a long-standing best practice for the best private schools in our nation.

It’s critical for students to feel connected to Christian adults and mentors during their time in middle school and high school, but they aren’t generally capable of initiating these relationships themselves.

"A number of studies have revealed a correlation between a young persons involvement in a quality mentoring relationship and positive outcomes in the areas of school, mental health, problem behavior & health."

A Curriculum to Foster Discipling Relationships

At Wheaton Academy, we developed an advisory program to make sure that no student falls through the cracks. In Advisory groups, our goal is to provide academic guidance and advocacy, support for goal setting and college planning, and to build a culture of discipleship and leadership.

Our advisory program not only ensures that every individual student has a mentor but also makes space to deliver valuable content that isn’t easily covered in the traditional curriculum. Everything from the responsible use of social media to our college-ready character traits of perseverance, social intelligence, self-control, gratitude, passion, and hope is covered by our Advisory Curriculum.

How It Works

The curriculum is designed for weekly sessions of approximately 30-45 minutes and touches on a myriad of topics. It is delivered electronically and is priced by the size of your school.

How to you get it?

Purchase the curriculum using the link below and you will be given a login to download all the lessons.

See a Sample Lesson:

Topics include:

  • Anxiety
  • Bullying
  • Characteristics of a Leader
  • Creating a Resume
  • Dating and Sexuality
  • Friendship
  • Goals and Failure
  • Gratitude
  • Healthy Relationships
  • How to find a Mentor
  • Myths about Finding a College
  • Self-Advocacy
  • Social Media
  • Spiritual Transition to College
  • Studying Skills
  • Temptation
  • Timeliness


If you are interested in purchasing one of our curriculum packages, please fill out the form below.

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