Mission, vision, & values
You have identified the mission, vision, & values as an area of weakness in your school and one that needs improvement.
How to Establish your Mission, Vision, & Values
Establishing your Mission, Vision, & Values in a Christian school involves identifying the heart of your school and community. Here are some key steps to guide your pursuit to establish a strong foundation:
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Lead with the mission, vision, and values
Your school’s mission, vision, and values are key components that help define purpose, direction, and principles. While often used interchangeably, each has distinct meaning and serves different purposes in guiding decision making, hiring, and culture. Here’s a brief explanation of each:
- A school’s stated mission articulates the school’s fundamental purpose and why it exists. It answers the question, “What do we do?” A mission statement provides a clear and concise description of your school’s primary goals, target audience, and offering.
- The vision outlines the school’s aspirational long-term goals and a desired future state. It answers the question, “Where do we want to go?” The vision statement should inspire and motivate faculty, staff, and the entire school community by presenting a compelling picture of the school’s future success and impact.
- Values are the fundamental principles and beliefs that guide the school’s behavior and decision-making. Values should drive the school’s culture and serve as a compass. Values set the expectations for how employees should conduct themselves and interact with each other, students, parents, and the community.
In short, the mission is about the school’s current purpose, the vision is about its future aspirations, and values are the guiding principles that shape its culture and actions. Together, these elements create a framework that guides strategic planning, policy, and practice, hiring and firing, day-to-day decision-making, and day-to-day operations within the school.
First, Mission
The mission of an “uncommon” Christian school must be deeply rooted in a commitment to providing a Christ-centered, academically rigorous education that nurtures the holistic development of each student. It must point to empowering students with a strong foundation in faith, knowledge, and character, equipping them to positively impact their families, communities, and the world.
At the core of the mission should be the belief that every individual is uniquely created in the image of God, and a commitment to create an educational environment that fosters spiritual growth, intellectual curiosity, and a heart for service. Through a dynamic integration of Christian principles across curriculum, co-curricular activities, and daily interaction, aiming to inspire lifelong learning and a profound understanding of one’s purpose in God’s plan. Here are a few examples:
“The mission of Wheaton Academy is to nurture growth in students through relationships, excellence, and service to the glory of God.”
“Our mission is to help each child grow as Jesus did, in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.”
“To partner with the Christian home and church in the training of children, maximizing their potential to lead Christian lives according to biblical standards.”
Next, Vision
Defining the vision for an uncommon Christian school involves expressing a distinct and aspirational desired outcome for students that aligns with the school’s mission. Here are a few examples:
“To be a beacon of transformative education, where faith, excellence, and innovation converge.”
“To cultivate a community of learners who not only live out their Christian values but also thrive in an environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and global citizenship.”
“Our graduates not only excel academically but are compassionate leaders equipped to navigate a rapidly changing world with unwavering integrity and a deep commitment to serving others.”
“Our uncommon Christian school aims to be a model of academic excellence, spiritual growth, and societal impact, inspiring generations to come.”
“Imagine a community where students, equipped with a foundation in Christian faith and academic excellence, confidently navigate the complexities of the world, making meaningful contributions, and embodying the love and compassion of Christ.”
The vision statement should combine elements of faith, academic excellence, innovation, and societal impact, reflecting the unique qualities and goals of an uncommon Christian school. It should emphasize the holistic development of students, incorporate both academic and spiritual dimensions, and set the school apart by conveying distinctiveness.
Then, Values:
A school’s values serve as the compass, guiding decisions, and actions within the entire learning community. A few examples of values include:
- Faith: We prioritize the development of a strong and unwavering faith in Christ, encouraging faculty, staff, students, and families to deepen their relationship with God through prayer, worship, and the study of Scripture resulting in a biblical worldview.
- Excellence: We strive for excellence in all areas of academic, spiritual, and personal development, recognizing that by pursuing excellence, we honor God and positively impact the world around us.
- Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct, fostering a community where trust is paramount, and character is shaped by the teachings of Jesus.
- Service: We instill a heart for service, teaching students to love and serve others as Christ did, recognizing the value of compassion and empathy in building a more just and caring society.
- Community: We celebrate the diversity of our community and emphasize the importance of mutual respect, cooperation, and a sense of belonging, creating a supportive environment for all.
- Innovative: We embrace a culture of constant innovation, where curiosity is encouraged, and new ideas are welcomed as catalysts for positive change.
- Creativity: We believe in the power of creativity to drive progress. Our commitment to fostering a creative environment empowers every team member to contribute innovative solutions.
- Embracing Change: We value change as an opportunity for growth. Embracing innovation allows us to adapt swiftly to evolving needs, staying ahead in a dynamic landscape.
- Continuous Improvement: Innovation is not a destination but a journey. We are dedicated to the pursuit of continuous improvement, pushing boundaries to achieve excellence in all aspects of our work.
- Open Communication and Collaboration: Innovation flourishes when ideas flow freely. We prioritize open communication and collaboration, recognizing that diverse perspectives, fuel creative thinking.”
- Adaptable and Agile: Our commitment means being adaptable and agile in the face of change. We embrace new technologies and methodologies to stay at the forefront of our students’ needs.
- Student-Centric: We focus on meeting and exceeding our students’ needs. By understanding and anticipating evolving expectations, we drive outcomes that add meaningful value.
The following are some suggested steps for improving in this area:
- Define the “Why”: Start with defining the “why.”
- Conduct a series of collaborative workshops involving key stakeholders, including administrators, teachers, parents, and community leaders, to collectively articulate the fundamental purpose and the why the school exists.
- Encourage participants to reflect on the unique identity of the school within the context of Christian education and its impact on students’ lives.
- Craft a Mission Statement:
- Develop a concise and impactful mission statement that encapsulates the core purpose and the “why” of the school. It should be memorable and easily understood by all stakeholders.
- Seek feedback from the school community to ensure broad consensus and ownership.
- Create a Vision Statement:
- Establish a compelling vision that builds upon the mission statement, providing a detailed picture of what success looks like for the school and its students.
- Use storytelling techniques to convey the aspirational goals and long-term impact of the school on students, families, and the community.
- Establish Anchoring Values:
- Identify and articulate a set of core values that underpin the school’s culture, decision-making, and education philosophy.
- Develop specific guidelines or statements that elaborate on how each value will be manifested in daily operations and interactions within the school community.
- Integrate into Hiring and Operations:
- Integrate the refined mission, vision, and values into the hiring process, ensuring that prospective faculty and staff members share and fit the school’s commitment to the established core principles.
- Regularly assess and align operational practices, curriculum development, and co-curricular activities with the established mission, vision, and values.
- Provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities for staff to deepen their understanding and commitment to the school’s ethos.
The above provides background and some suggested steps for improvement in this area based on best practices. To make more detailed and specific suggestions, we would need to know more about your circumstances. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your unique circumstances or would like assistance in facilitating the above steps.
Start with Why, by Simon Sinek
TED talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.”
Next Steps
meeting your specific needs
The above provides background and some steps for improvement in this area based on best practices. To make more detailed and specific suggestions, we would need to know more about your circumstances. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your unique circumstances or would like assistance in facilitating the above steps.